Press Release
Starting from the vision to establish, here in Bucharest and Romania, trough the Internet means, a meeting place for graphic satirical artists and friends from all around the word,
with all the shortcomings and difficulties faced in the present day economical situation,
we called cartoonists
to come with their meaningful ideas and works.
The Jury had a hard work to select the bests of the best artworks.
We express our gratitude to all of 145 satirical artists from 45 countries, who contributed
to the success of this Salon with a total of 453 works.
The representative Catalogue was launched, yet, and can be downloaded from our web-sites of the Salon or Magazine.
Now, the prized fine works and many more may be admired on the Salon's web-site
and must of these are for sale.
The IMAGE values more than a hundred words.
Here is A POWER.
Then, enjoy of all of exhibited works and encourage the Graphic Satirical Art
by purchasing works from the authors themselves.
Be part of the big changing movement of the world, today for tomorow !
See you at the 2nd Edition of "The International Salt & Pepper Satirical Art Salon".
Have enough salt and pepper in your life to be healthful,
happy and full of humour, always!
Salt & Pepper Magazine
Founder & Editor